Heat Pump Repairs

Heat Pump Repairs in West Sussex and Hampshire

When your heat pump breaks down, it may be a big inconvenience. Clean Heat Solutions Ltd can help with that. 

Our heating engineers in West Sussex and Hampshire specialise in heat pump repairs, ensuring that your heating system is back up and running in no time. For quick and dependable heat pump repairs, call us at 07391473964.

What are heat pumps?

Heat pumps are versatile heating and cooling systems that provide energy-efficient climate control for your home. They work by transferring heat from one place to another, making them an eco-friendly choice for homeowners in West Sussex and Hampshire.

Common Issues with Heat Pumps

Reduced Heating or Cooling Efficiency

If you observe that your heat pump is having trouble keeping your house at a reasonable temperature, there may be an issue. Problems like low refrigerant levels, malfunctioning thermostats, or clogged filters can all contribute to decreased heating or cooling performance. It's critical to take care of these problems right away to protect your heat pump from more harm and guarantee peak performance.

Unusual Noises

Unusual sounds emanating from your heat pump, including grinding, slamming, or hissing, are frequently signs of more serious issues. These sounds may be the result of broken fan blades, loose parts, or problems with the motor. Having these sounds looked at and fixed by a qualified expert is essential since ignoring them might eventually cause more serious issues.

Short Cycling

When your heat pump often turns on and off, sometimes without finishing a full heating or cooling cycle, this is known as short cycling. This may shorten the life of your heat pump's components, increase energy usage, and wear them out. Short cycling can be brought on by problems like blocked air filters, broken thermostats, or refrigerant leaks, all of which need to be fixed right away by a trained specialist.

Ice or Frost Buildup

If the outside unit of your heat pump starts to accumulate frost or ice, there may be an issue with the unit. Problems like unclean coils, low refrigerant levels, or a broken defrost cycle are common causes of ice formation. If you don't take immediate action to fix these problems, your heat pump may perform worse and sustain more damage.

Water Leaks

Water leaks near your heat pump could be a sign of a condensate drain blockage, refrigerant leak, or other plumbing problems. Your heat pump's lifespan and performance may be negatively impacted by leaks that result in corrosion and water damage. It's critical to get the issue identified and fixed as soon as possible if you see odd moisture buildup or water collecting around your heat pump.

Tips for Heat Pump Maintenance

Here are four essential tips to keep your heat pump running smoothly:

Regular Maintenance

Make an appointment with a professional technician for routine maintenance to examine, clean, and tune up your heat pump. This helps to avoid problems and assures peak performance.

Replace Air Filters

Replace or clean the air filters in your heat pump regularly, usually every 1-3 months. Clean filters enable optimal airflow and effective performance.

Monitor Thermostat Settings

Keep an eye on your thermostat settings and make sure they are appropriate for your comfort needs. Avoid abrupt temperature fluctuations, which might put a burden on the system.

Address Issues As Soon As Possible

Don't wait if you notice any issues, unusual noises, or decreased performance. To avoid more issues and energy waste, contact a certified expert for timely heat pump repairs.

The Importance of Professional Heat Pump Repairs

While some homeowners might try do-it-yourself fixes to save money, there are several benefits to hiring a professional for heat pump repairs in West Sussex and Hampshire.

Quality Repairs

To guarantee long-lasting repairs, qualified technicians employ top-notch tools, machinery, and replacement parts. They safely and expertly restore your heat pump to peak function according to manufacturer specifications and industry best practices.


It can be risky to work with HVAC systems, particularly if you lack the required knowledge and experience. When performing repairs, qualified professionals put safety first and adhere to the right safety procedures to safeguard both your property and themselves.

Warranty Coverage

For warranty coverage to remain valid, many heat pump manufacturers mandate professional installation and service. You may lose your warranty and be on the hook for the entire cost of any subsequent repairs or replacements if you attempt do-it-yourself repairs or hire untrained personnel.


Professional repairs can save you money in the long run by preventing more damage and prolonging the life of your heat pump, even though they may appear more expensive initially. Expert technicians can spot problems early and fix them to reduce the likelihood of serious malfunctions and expensive future repairs.

More: What to look for when choosing your heat pump installer

Heat Pump Repairs FAQs

Can I Perform Heat Pump Repairs Myself?

While some basic maintenance tasks can be done by homeowners, it's highly recommended to leave complex repairs to professionals. Attempting DIY repairs can lead to further damage and safety hazards.

How Often Should I Schedule Maintenance?

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent major issues. It's advisable to schedule professional maintenance at least once a year, preferably before the start of the heating or cooling season.

Are Heat Pump Repairs Expensive?

The cost of heat pump repairs can vary widely depending on the nature and extent of the issue. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs for minor problems can help reduce overall expenses.

What's the Lifespan of a Heat Pump?

With proper maintenance, a heat pump can last 15-20 years. However, factors like usage, climate, and maintenance practices can affect its lifespan.

Do I Need to Replace My Heat Pump?

Replacement is necessary when your heat pump is old, inefficient, or requires frequent costly repairs. A professional can help you determine if it's time for a replacement.

Why choose us?

Expertise and Experience

Clean Heat Solutions boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced technicians who specialize in heat pump repairs. With years of hands-on experience, they have encountered and successfully resolved a wide range of heat pump issues.

Prompt and Reliable Service

We understand that a malfunctioning heat pump can disrupt your comfort and daily routine. That's why Clean Heat Solutions is committed to providing prompt and reliable service. When you schedule a repair with us, you can expect our technicians to arrive on time and ready to diagnose and fix the problem efficiently.

Comprehensive Repairs

Whether your heat pump is experiencing reduced heating or cooling capacity, odd noises, or refrigerant leaks, Clean Heat Solutions can handle it all. We offer comprehensive repair solutions to address any issue, big or small.

Quality Parts and Tools

To ensure lasting and reliable repairs, Clean Heat Solutions uses only high-quality replacement parts and state-of-the-art tools. Our commitment to quality ensures that your repaired heat pump will function optimally for years to come.

Contact Our Heating Engineers Hampshire & West Sussex

To book expert air source heat pump repairs and maintenance services in West Sussex and Hampshire, call us at 07391473964 or email us at info@cleanheatingsolutions.co.uk

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